When you were born, you were born a Live – living, breathing, flesh-and-blood human being, and considered SOVEREIGN! If you are not sui juris, then you were/are likely unaware of this and don’t even truly realize you are living and what that means in the grand scheme of life, which is all commerce. If you are reading this, you are already on the right path.
Through this birth certificate “contract,” all Title (and property) of the human being is surrendered over to the State. The State, itself being a sub-corporation and sub-agency of the federal government, is also contractually bound to the debts and obligations of the “United States” government. As such, the State then forwards the birth certificate to the Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C. for to “register” it with the DOC (thus establishing secured interest over it).
From there, the birth certificate is then sent to the Department of Treasury. The Treasury then opens a UCC Contract Trust Account (very much like that of a bank account) for the corporate Fiction named on the birth certificate, and a 9-digit “number” is then assigned to that account. This 9-digit account number is what later on issues as the corporate fiction Strawman’s SSN number.
The birth certificate is then sent to the Federal Reserve, where it is then converted into a “one-million dollar” bond. That one-million dollar bond is then sent back to the Treasury where it is credited “to” the Debtor’s UCC Treasury Contract Trust Account. This one-million dollars, as deposited, is for commodities, necessities, schooling, and other like things that the child will need throughout the child’s life from womb until tomb. However, it doesn’t work anything like that (like a bank account that can be leisurely drawn from at any given time).
Instead, the Social Security Administration controls and regulates that account, for the child’s Strawman, throughout the life of the child.
Meanwhile, that one-million dollars is then “debited” from that same account, by the government, and is then invested elsewhere in “stock” for profit and gain to the government (none of which is for or ever goes to the child, nor is ever returned back to that same account). Instead, the child goes on to serve as a guarantor and obligation to the child’s own strawman corporate legal Fiction – which in turn is thus obligated to the “Debt” of the fictitious bankruptcy of the United States. Thus the child grows up always subject to and always owing some sort of tax (“interest” on the fictitious debt!). All property is maintained in the strawman Debtor’s name, with the Debtor always subject to and obligated to the government and its financial obligations, and therefore with the Debtor only holding “certificates” of Title to property; but not “Title” itself!
Then there is the matter with the “State” itself! It is not the “state” as most would presume. Rather, even the “state” is not what it appears; and to the contrary, is itself – at least since the 1935 Buck Act – is just another “fictional” corporate creation of the Masters of the New World Order and are not the original “States” as were established from the national and state constitutions. The New World Order “ALL-CAPS” fictional “STATE(S),” are also in a fictional “state” of bankruptcy “to” the new world order International Bankers gang!
The fictional corporate de facto STATE/STATES have no money of exchange (silver or gold); but rather, only use “units” of measurement of human energy, being another fictional creation: “Federal Reserve Notes” (units), electronic/paper numeric “debt” dollars. The manipulators’ tools of control over Live flesh-and-blood people’s human “Energy” – and the people’s entire lives, freedom and happiness.
The United States and its sub-corporation States use this fiat fractional reserve banking system, along with their artificially induced “bankruptcy,” to configure and extract large, massive amounts of the human being’s “energy” from the human being, over a period of time throughout the human being’s life.
It does this in many various forms; mostly taxes, but many other subtle ways, as well; including: employment tax, sales tax, property tax, license renewal and registration fees (a subtle form of tax), through traffic tickets and court fines (a stealthy way of taxing; but still “tax!”), gasoline tax, tax on bank accounts, etc.
When someone is taxed from their employment, it is usually around one quarter of their earnings (or more). When they then shop and make purchases from their remaining income they usually pay out another 6% to 8% more, from their remaining income, in sales tax (depending upon the State). Property tax is absolutely unbelievable – especially when it is supposed to be home and land “owned” by the people. A sad fact is that most of this heavy, burdensome, so called “tax” does not even go towards financing government, agencies, defense, law enforcement, education, welfare, nor the maintenance of roads, highways or facilitation of transportation, etc. Rather, most tax is only applied towards the so called “interest” on the “debt” of the United States government – and “NEVER” even applies towards the so called “principal.” All this manipulated Debt and Taxes! It’s all about human “Energy!”
Usually when the Live flesh-and-blood man or woman is discovering for the first time the truth about this great deception and the mechanisms and system that were used to entangle them in this massive web of deceit, they are usually, at the same time, also being introduced to and learning about the available “remedy” for it all. Understanding the remedy is a matter of understanding the laws of cause and effect – whereby practically any problem can be completely reversed through the simple solution of figuring out the cause of the effect and then reversing the direction of the effect back to the cause, through the nexus.
The same here! The cause was the contract put into place via the parent’s signature upon the birth record. The effect was that of “another” having gained “property title” to (thus, enslavement of) the Live flesh-and-blood (like taking possession of “property”), resulting in another’s beneficial use of the enslaved flesh-and-blood’s “energy.” The nexus (system) in-between, that connected the cause with the effect, was the “Uniform Commercial Code” (UCC).
Thus, the cause was the contract, and the contract was the parent’s signature upon the birth record; that birth record (birth certificate) being the tool used that established the cause. The Solution: reversal of the same UCC system (nexus) “backwards” from the effect (enslaved flesh-and-blood) to the cause! (the contract). Simply reverse the positions of the cause with that of the effect, through the nexus, and the result is the remedy! Convert the enslaved flesh-and-blood (effect) into the new CAUSE (signature contract), and at-the-same-time convert the birth certificate contract into the new EFFECT (enslaved property). Now the Live flesh-and-blood is the “contract” (through their signature) and the previous birth certificate “contract” is now the “enslaved property” (secured property title) of the Live flesh-and-blood.
Now the Live flesh-and-blood has complete control over their own life and full 100% gain from 100% production of their “own” energy! And the nexus is still the UCC! What is this specific reversed cause and effectsolution called? In this case: The UCC Secured Party/Secured Creditor/Sovereign/non-citizen National Process!
A Secured Party/Secured Creditor/Sovereign/non-citizen National, having regained control of their life and their sovereignty, is no longer subject to the same controls as existed prior to their UCC Secured Party/Secured Creditor/Sovereign/non-citizen National process when they were unknowingly an accommodation party to, and guarantor for, the fictional corporate artificial entity debtor “STRAWMAN”