Riverside Federal Court and Judge Jesus G. Bernal Accused of Judicial Fraud and Unconstitutional Conduct in KEVIN WALKER ESTATE vs Jay Promisco/Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company

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The Kevin Walker Estate, et al. has accused Judge Jesus G. Bernal and the Riverside Federal Court of judicial fraud, conspiracy, and deprivation of rights under color of law in Case No. 5:25-cv-00339. Despite multiple unrebutted affidavits, a formal demand for summary judgment, and a Verified Notice of Judicial Fraud, the court continues to obstruct filings, conceal evidence, and proceed with an unconstitutional sham hearing now rescheduled for March 31, 2025. This blatant disregard for due process, res judicata, and established legal precedent confirms willful misconduct and bad faith by the court. Plaintiffs demand immediate cancellation of fraudulent proceedings, issuance of summary judgment, and criminal accountability for all officials involved in this legal obstruction and abuse of power. If the court continues its unlawful actions, federal intervention and further legal action will follow.

Fraud Vitiates Everything: The Legal Principle That Nullifies Contracts, Judgments, and Legal Proceedings: EPISODE 25

Business, Constitution, Education, Equity, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust, Wealth

Fraud is one of the most severe violations in law, as it undermines the integrity of contracts, judicial rulings, and legal transactions. Courts have long held that fraud vitiates everything it touches, making any agreement, ruling, or obligation obtained through fraudulent means null and void from inception. This principle is crucial in ensuring justice and protecting individuals from deception and unlawful coercion. Fraud is not merely an act of bad faith—it is a direct attack on the rule of law, rendering any action derived from it unenforceable.

Master Workshop: Mastering Administrative Process, the UCC, & Private Commercial Affairs

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Take Control of Your Commercial Affairs. Everything in commerce is a contract—if you don’t control the terms, you’re bound by them. This course teaches you how to enforce your rights using the UCC & U.S. Code, master administrative processes, and hold entities accountable with notices of default & contract enforcement. Learn to operate privately & lawfully while securing your financial and legal standing.

The UCC Playbook: Unlocking the Power of Contract Law

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In a world where everything operates as a contract, understanding the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) can be the difference between being in control or being controlled. The UCC Playbook: How to Use Contract Law to Secure Your Assets, Family, Freedom, and Enforce Your Rights is a roadmap to reclaiming your financial and legal sovereignty.

Trapped in Trust: How 31 CFR § 363.6 and 26 U.S.C. § 2203 Prevent You From Controlling Your Estate Until You Prove Competency

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The U.S. legal system presumes every man or woman to be a decedent or minor in commerce until they claim their securities under 31 CFR § 363.6, effectively placing their estate under government control. Title 26 U.S.C. §§ 7603, 6903, and 6036 establish that no public servant can act upon an estate without proper fiduciary authorization. This article breaks down how statutes like 31 U.S.C. § 1321 and 26 U.S.C. § 2203 confirm the necessity of asserting one’s legal standing to prevent unlawful interference with an estate. Understanding these laws is crucial for reclaiming control over one’s financial and legal status

The Hidden in Plain Sight Trust System: How Your Birth Certificate, Loans, Credit, and Mortgages Make You a Financial Trustee

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The financial and legal system operates on an underlying structure of trusts, often without the knowledge or consent of the individual. From the moment a person is born, various constructive, involuntary, and resulting trusts are created in their name, serving as the foundation for financial transactions, taxation, and legal obligations. This article explores how birth certificates, Social Security numbers, loans, mortgages, deeds, and other financial instruments are all rooted in a system of trusts, which many argue is a form of permissible fraud designed to control assets and labor.


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BMW of Florence and BMW of North America face serious assertions from the Brian Victor Charles Estate, including conspiracy, racketeering, and theft. Central to the case are unrebutted affidavits and the alleged unlawful repossession of a vehicle from BMW Florence’s private property.

GEORGIAS OWN v. KEVIN WALKER ESTATE: Purported Defendants Secure Victory and Demand $1M in Costs and Damages

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Defendants Kevin Walker and Donnabelle Mortel, both nationals, secure a victory as a fraudulent unlawful detainer case is dismissed. They now demand and are entitled to at least $1,000,000 in legal costs, compensatory and punitive damages, and sanctions for procedural misconduct and fraud on the court. The case sets a precedent for holding plaintiffs accountable for abuse of the judicial process

How ‘Bills of Exchange’ are Currency: 31 USC 5118, 12 USC 412, UCC 3-601, 3-603, 3-311, HJR 192 (public law 73-10) and more

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according to statutes, codes, and public policy, bills of exchange are legally recognized as currency because they discharge debt obligations in commerce. HJR 192, 31 USC 5118, and 12 USC 412 establish that debt instruments replace gold as legal payment. UCC provisions (3-603, 3-311, and 3-601) confirm that offering a bill of exchange settles debts, even if refused.

“Pro Se” vs. “Pro Per”: A Guide to Jurisdictional Differences and Legal Representation

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Learn about the differences between "Pro Se" and "Pro Per" representation in legal matters, particularly when it comes to trust representation. "Pro Se" refers to representing oneself voluntarily within the court’s jurisdiction, while "Pro Per" allows individuals to assert their personal status and challenge court jurisdiction. This distinction highlights the power of an Affidavit of Power of Attorney In Fact, which grants an Attorney In Fact the authority to represent a trust, bypassing the need for a licensed attorney in public jurisdiction. Understand how these legal roles impact court standing and the ability to assert constitutional and contractual rights

The Sovereign Dilemma: Benefits vs. Rights and the Ashwander Doctrine and Constitutional Estoppel

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In the American legal system, a fundamental distinction exists between benefits and rights—and understanding this distinction is critical if you aim to assert sovereign status or challenge government authority. At the heart of this issue lies the principle of constitutional estoppel, reinforced by the Ashwander Rules and long-standing doctrines in equity. Simply put: When you accept a government benefit, you forfeit certain rights, including the right to challenge the law that governs that benefit.

Judges/Hearing Officers and Clerks Are Liable: The Clearfield Doctrine, 42 U.S.C. § 1983, 28 USC 1001, 18 USC 455, Principles, Legal Maxims, and Established Law

Business, Constitution, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust, Wealth

Judges, contrary to popular belief, are not above the law and can be held personally accountable when they act outside their constitutional authority, violate rights, or engage in misconduct. Through legal principles like the Clearfield Doctrine and statutes such as 42 U.S.C. § 1983, individuals have clear pathways to seek redress. Everything in the "public" is commercial thus those are "commercial" transactions, Congress regulates "interstate commerce," and the statutes and U.C.C. and United States Code are for a corporation, trust, ens legis, person, trust company, individual or similar. Not living men and woman.