$1.1 Billion Conditional Acceptance Traps Defendants PHH Mortgage in Default as Missing Filings Suddenly Reappear after Writ of Mandamus

Business, Constitution, Education, Equity, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Trust

The Kevin Walker Estate has strategically filed a Conditional Acceptance in response to PHH Mortgage’s Motion to Dismiss, creating a binding contract offer under UCC and contract law. Defendants must now provide verified evidence or face immediate dishonor and default, triggering summary judgment and a $100,000,000 legal award in Plaintiffs’ favor. Adding to the controversy, missing court filings have mysteriously reappeared after Plaintiffs served a Writ of Mandamus, exposing potential judicial misconduct. This case is a critical battle for legal accountability, sovereignty, and due process, forcing courts and corporations to confront their procedural failures. Will the courts uphold the law or expose their corruption?