The Loan and Mortgage Illusion: How Your Signature Creates Money/Monetary Instruments and The Hidden Truth About Mortgages, Loans, and Banking: Episode 21

Business, Constitution, Education, Equity, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Tips, Trust, Wealth

In this eye-opening episode of RealWorldFare, we break down the hidden truth about promissory notes, banking, and financial transactions that most people never question. When you sign a promissory note, are you really borrowing money—or funding the entire transaction yourself?

Remembering “Operation Malicious Mortgage” of 2008: 300+ convictions and Over 400 Defendants Exposing Fraud and Accountability in the Mortgage Industry

Business, Constitution, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust, Wealth

In the wake of the 2008 housing market crash, Operation Malicious Mortgage emerged as one of the most significant federal efforts to combat rampant mortgage fraud that contributed to the crisis. Spanning from March 1 to June 18, 2008, this operation was a multi-agency response to systemic corruption and fraudulent practices within the mortgage and real estate industries. Led by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the initiative exposed a nationwide epidemic of financial crimes, culminating in 406 defendants charged in 144 separate cases across the United States.

™KEVIN WALKER© Estate Files $30 Billion Lawsuit Against Georgia’s Own and McCarthy Holthus, Affirming Fraud, Racketeering, and Other Federal Crime

Business, Constitution, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction

Temecula, CA – In a groundbreaking legal battle, the ™KEVIN WALKER© ESTATE, alongside affiliated trusts, has filed a verified complaint […]

What is TACIT HYPOTHECATION? Is a Mortgage considered Tacit Hypothecation?

Business, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust, Wealth

  TACIT HYPOTHECATION. In the civil law, a species of lien or mortgage which is created by operation of law […]

Explained: How Banking, Assets, Liabilities, Dual Ledger Accounting, Loans, Mortgages REALLY work

Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Tips, Wealth

ALL bank accounts have two sides to them. A Public (liabilities) side and a Private (assets) side, as substantiated by […]