In a groundbreaking legal maneuver grounded in contract law, Kevin Walker, acting as Plaintiff and Attorney-in-Fact for the ™KEVIN WALKER© ESTATE, has officially filed a Notice of Default against the California Highway Patrol (CHP), the State of California, and the Riverside County Sheriff. The filing alleges a breach of contractual obligations under common law, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), and constitutional protections, demanding accountability for actions the Plaintiffs claim were unlawful and coercive.
At the center of the dispute is Ticket #7W50000TL, which the Plaintiffs affirm, via an unrebutted commercial affidavit, constitutes a fraudulent and coercive offer presented without valid consent. The Notice of Default demands an initial payment of $100,000,000.00 USD, escalating to $900,000,000,000.00 USD in total liability should the Defendants fail to fulfill their contractual obligations and respond in accordance with the terms outlined in the conditional acceptance agreement