Understanding the Spectrum of Court Appearances: General, Special, Conditional, and Special Limited Appearances

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When engaging in a legal case, the type of appearance you make in court can have significant implications for your rights, jurisdictional objections, and overall strategy. This article examines the different types of appearances—general, special, conditional, and special limited appearances—with a focus on special limited appearance, a nuanced tool for addressing specific procedural issues without submitting to the court’s full jurisdiction.

Comprehensive Overview of U.S. Courts, Their Jurisdictions, and Constitutional Basis

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The U.S. judicial system operates under a dual structure of federal and state courts, each with defined jurisdiction based on the U.S. Constitution and statutory law. This structure was codified under the Judicial Code of June 25, 1948 (62 Stat. 869). Below is an overview of the courts, their constitutional basis, and how different methods of pleading—pro se and sui juris, in propria persona—affect one’s standing.

Unveiling the Legal System’s ‘Pro Se’ Trick: How Courts Ensure You Submit to Their Authority

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When individuals step into courtrooms, they often lack a full understanding of the legal terrain. One of the most subtle and impactful dynamics at play is how judges guide litigants into pleading "pro se" without informing them of the jurisdictional implications. Many people assume representing themselves is simply a matter of declining legal counsel, but the choice between "pro se" and being "sui juris" or "in propria persona" has profound legal consequences.

Federal Crime: Pulling Over a Private Traveler in a Private Automobile Marked “PRIVATE”

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Pulling over a man or woman traveling privately in a non-commercial automobile marked "PRIVATE" without lawful cause can constitute a violation of constitutional rights and federal law. When law enforcement applies commercial laws intended for motor vehicles to private automobiles, such actions may cross into criminal conduct and civil liability under state and federal statutes.

Pending $900 Billion Lawsuit Against California Highway Patrol and Riverside Sheriff Chad Bianco: Protecting the Right to Travel

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In today’s complex legal and administrative landscape, asserting individual sovereignty and the right to travel is more important than ever. This article explores the significance of self-executing contracts and security agreements, examining their role in preserving personal freedoms, ensuring due process, and protecting fundamental rights. Using the case of ™KEVIN WALKER© ESTATE, ™KEVIN LEWIS WALKER©, ™KEVIN WALKER© IRR TRUST, represented by attorney-in-fact Kevin Walker, this piece highlights the legal principles, precedents, and doctrines underpinning these critical instruments in protecting the right to travel.This article also emphasizes that if this matter is not promptly settled, it will result in a $900,000,000,000.00 USD (billion) lawsuit filed for summary judgment as a matter of law, invoking contract law, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), and legal maxims, including silent acquiescence, tacit agreement, tacit procuration, and binding contracts.

Writ of Mandamus Prompts Record to be “Modified,” BUT Key Notice of Defendants’ Default, Dishonor, and Failure Still Missing from Records

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In the case involving ™STEVEN MACARTHUR-BROOKS© ESTATE and ™STEVEN MACARTHUR-BROOKS© IRR TRUST Plaintiffs, and Defendants, SDCCU and SHEPPARD MULLIN, significant developments have occurred in the wake of a Writ of Mandamus being submitted to Judge Roy K. Altman’s chambers and the Supreme Court of the United States. Several pivotal documents have been added to the official court record, underscoring the plaintiffs’ relentless efforts to re-affirm defendants’ dishonor, default, and willful and intentional non-compliance. However, one crucial document remains conspicuously absent from the record, further complicating the judicial process.

Plaintiffs in Multi Billion Lawsuit Against SDCC Call on Supreme Court to Issue Writ of Mandamus to Judge Roy K Altman

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In a case centered on allegations of breach of contract, fraud, dishonor, and related wrongs, plaintiffs ™STEVEN MACARTHUR-BROOKS© ESTATE and ™STEVEN MACARTHUR-BROOKS© IRR TRUST have demanded judicial intervention and mandamus relief with the Supreme Court of the United States. The plaintiffs assert that the federal district court’s administrative closure of their case due to doubts over subject matter jurisdiction leaves the Supreme Court as the only appropriate venue for resolving the matter.

Judge Roy K Altman: Mutilated Records, Missing Filings, and Case Temporarily Stalled citing Subject Matter Jurisdiction

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In a controversial move, Judge Roy K. Altman of the Southern District of Florida issued a “Paperless Order Closing and Staying Case” on December 2, 2024. Citing doubts over subject-matter jurisdiction, the order states: "Our review of the [1-1] Removed Complaint strongly suggests that we lack subject-matter jurisdiction over this action. We therefore administratively CLOSE this case, DENY AS MOOT all motions, and STAY all deadlines pending our decision on the question of our subject-matter jurisdiction."While the order purports to address procedural concerns, its broader implications—and the actions (or inactions) of the court—have sparked significant criticism.

Defendants in $16 BILLION Lawsuit (Shannon Peterson, Rylan Little, and SDCCU) ADMIT to EVERYTHING and Claim Contract Law, the U.C.C., and God’s Law is “Meritless” and “Baseless” in Judge Roy K. Altman’s Court

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In an eye-opening legal battle involving ™STEVEN MACARTHUR-BROOKS© ESTATE and ™STEVEN MACARTHUR-BROOKS© IRR TRUST (hereinafter “Plaintiffs”), whom are represented by private attorney Kevin Walker and Steven MacArthur-Brooks, the principles of unrebutted affidavits and their binding nature have taken center stage. This case exposes not only the power of silence and incompetence but also the reckless disregard for legal procedure by the Defendants and "BAR" Attorneys Shannon Peterson and Alejandro Moreno. By their own words Shannon Peterson and Alejandro Moreno and Rylan Little and San Diego County Credit Union claim God’s Law, Natural law, contract law, Trust law, the United States Code, the Uniform Commercial Code, Common law, and/or Naural Law are "meritless" and "baseless" in Southern Florida Court with Judge Roy K. Altman. 

Through their actions—and inactions—the Defendants have turned what could have been a simple account setoff, settlement and full satisfaction of an obligation, into a prime example of incompetence, contempt of the law, War against the Constitution, fraud, extortion, coercion, treason, false pretenses, theft, robbery, and now even legal malpractice and dishonor.

Plaintiffs in $16 BLLION Case Against SDCCU Demand Default, Sanctions, and Summary Judgment after ORDER from U.S. District Judge Roy K. Altman

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In a decisive move to hold the Defendants accountable for their ongoing misconduct and failure to comply with court orders, the Plaintiffs have filed a "SUPPLEMENTAL AFFIRMATION OF RECORD, NOTICE OF DEFENDANTS’ CONTINUED DISHONOR, DEFAULT, AND WILLFUL NONCOMPLIANCE, AND REQUEST [DEMAND] FOR SANCTIONS, SUMMARY JUDGEMENT, AND RELIEF" in the ongoing litigation before Judge Roy K. Altman. This filing underscores the Plaintiffs’ determination to secure justice and highlights the Defendants’ blatant disregard for the legal process, affirming the legal basis for sanctions, default judgment, and summary judgment in the Plaintiffs’ favor.

How the Government “Legally” Deceives Through Propaganda, Coercion, and Social Security Number (SSN)

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The intersection of law, contracts, and public administration reveals a vast framework where the government can exercise control over individuals, often under the guise of legality. By leveraging tools like propaganda, social security numbers (SSNs), and implied agreements, the government establishes a framework of public compliance while presenting an illusion of choice. This system is designed to manage public obligations, regulate access to benefits, and ensure participation in federal programs. To understand how this operates, one must examine the roles of propaganda, coercive tactics, contracts, and the critical significance of the SSN.

Empowering Litigants: Options When “Judges” Take Too Long and/or Obstruct and/or Conspire

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When a judge takes an unreasonably long time to decide a case, there are numerous actions available to address the situation, including some uncommon or unconventional strategies. These options range from standard procedural remedies to extraordinary measures, depending on the extent of the delay and the governing jurisdiction. The following is a detailed list of potential solutions