A Bill of Exchange, governed by the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), serves as legal tender for settling tax obligations and debts. Under 31 U.S.C. § 5103, these instruments, including Bonds and Notes created by U.S. citizens or nationals, are considered United States currency. The IRS is obligated to accept such instruments for payment, and any refusal or failure to return a defective instrument provides grounds for discharging the debt, as outlined in UCC 3-603, 3-311, and 3-601. Additionally, HJR 192 of 1933 (public law 73-10) removes the necessity of paying debts in gold or silver, OR a particular kind of coin or currency, reinforcing the acceptance of other forms of legal tender. This is further supported by 31 U.S.C. § 5118, which affirms that negotiable instruments are valid legal tender.
Did the fraudulent Car Dealership, Mortgage Company, or Utility Company tell you? You can tender payment via a bill of exchange, dollars/FRNs/portable bonds, checks and/or money orders (pubic and private), drafts, orders, and more!
While many Americans struggle to make car payments and/or struggle to save up to buy their dream cars, they are […]