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Black’s Law Dictionary 1st Edition, page 101:

ASSURANCE. In conveyancing. A deed or instrument of conveyance, The le­gal evidences of the transfer of property are in England called the ” common assurances” of the kingdom, whereby every man’s estate is assured to him, and all controversies, doubts, and difficulties are either prevented or removed. 2 Bl. Comm. 294.

In contracts. A making secure; insurance. The term was formerly of very frequent use in the modern sense of insurance, particularly in English maritime law, and still appears in the policies of some compa­nies. but is otherwise seldom seen of late years. There seems to be a tendency, how to use assurance for the contracts of life insurance companies, and insurance for risks upon property.


Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Edition, page 99:

ASSURANCE. In conveyancing. A deed or instrument , of conveyance. The le­ gal evidences of the transfer of property are
in England called the “common assurances,” of the kingdom, whereby every man’s estate is assured to him, and all controversies. doubts, ‘ and difficulties are either prevented or removed. 2 Bl. Comm. 294. State v. Farrand, 8 N. J. Law 335.

In contracts. A making secure ; insurance. The term was formerly of very fre­quent use in the modern sense of insurance, particularly in English maritime law, and still appears in the policies of some compa­nies, but is otherwise seldom seen of late years. There seems to be a tendency, how­ever, to use assurance for the contracts of life insurance companies, and insurance for risks upon property.

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