Not expressed ; implied or infer­red ; manifested by the refraining from con­tradiction or objection ; inferred from the sit­uation and circumstances, in the absence of express matter. Thus, tacit consent is con­sent inferred from the fact that the party kept silence when he had an opportunity to forbid or refuse.

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Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition, page 1132:

TACIT. Not expressed ; implied or infer­red ; manifested by the refraining from con­tradiction or objection ; inferred from the sit­uation and circumstances, in the absence of express matter. Thus, tacit consent is con­sent inferred from the fact that the party kept silence when he had an opportunity to forbid or refuse.


Black’s Law Dictionary, 3rd Edition, page 1698:

TACIT. Not expressed ; implied or infer­red ; manifested by the refraining from con­tradiction or objection ; inferred from the sit­uation and circumstances, in the absence of express matter. Thus, tacit consent is con­sent inferred from the fact that the party kept silence when he had an opportunity to forbid or refuse.

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