Kevin Walker Estate Files Historic Affidavit in Federal Court Defending American Sovereignty, private rights, and Constitutional Supremacy

Business, Constitution, Education, Equity, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust

The right to represent a trust as an attorney-in-fact is well established in federal law, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), and legal precedent. Despite common misconceptions, a trust is a contractual entity that can be lawfully represented by an authorized agent, including an attorney-in-fact. This article breaks down the legal foundation supporting this right, key statutory provisions, and how to enforce it against courts and financial institutions that attempt to deny it.

The Kevin Walker Estate has filed a historic legal challenge asserting American sovereignty, constitutional supremacy, and jurisdictional limits. This Verified Affidavit confronts government overreach, legal presumptions, and federal misapplications of law—placing the courts on notice. This case could set a powerful precedent for self-governance, private property rights, and true legal accountability. Will the courts uphold the Constitution, or expose the depth of their corruption?

A Verified Complaint as a Debt Instrument and Special Deposit Under 28 U.S.C. §§ 2041, 2042, and 2045: Forms 1099-OID, 1099-A, and 1099-B apply

Business, Constitution, Education, Equity, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust

A verified complaint filed in court serves not only as a legal pleading but also as a negotiable debt instrument and a special deposit under 28 U.S.C. §§ 2041, 2042, and 2045, as well as a financial asset governed by 12 U.S.C. § 1813(l)(1), 31 U.S.C. § 1321(a)(62), and 31 U.S.C. § 3302. Courts function as depository institutions that receive, manage, and invest funds, with all case-related deposits held in trust by the U.S. Treasury. Under 26 U.S.C. §§ 1271-1275, a verified complaint also qualifies as an Original Issue Discount (OID) security, requiring proper financial reporting. Every case represents a commercial transaction, where funds, securities, and judgments are accounted for within the court’s custodial accounts. Recognizing a verified complaint as a financial obligation enables proper accounting and reclamation of funds through IRS Forms 1099-A and 1099-OID, ensuring transparency and compliance with federal financial laws.

How ‘Bills of Exchange’ are Currency: 31 USC 5118, 12 USC 412, UCC 3-601, 3-603, 3-311, HJR 192 (public law 73-10) and more

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according to statutes, codes, and public policy, bills of exchange are legally recognized as currency because they discharge debt obligations in commerce. HJR 192, 31 USC 5118, and 12 USC 412 establish that debt instruments replace gold as legal payment. UCC provisions (3-603, 3-311, and 3-601) confirm that offering a bill of exchange settles debts, even if refused.

The Redefinition of U.S. Currency: The Impact of the Emergency Banking Act, HJR 192, Title 31 U.S. Code, and Constructive Expansion Policy

Business, Constitution, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust

The U.S. financial system underwent a monumental transformation due to the Emergency Banking Act of 1933, House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR 192), and key provisions of Title 31 U.S. Code, including 31 U.S.C. § 3123, § 5118, and § 5103. These legislative acts, combined with the Constructive Expansion Policy established by Congress on March 9, 1933, fundamentally reshaped the nature of currency and debt obligations in the United States. This shift not only dismantled the gold standard but also recognized negotiable instruments—including bills of exchange, bonds, and acceptances—as legal currency.

The IRS and Bills of Exchange: Legal Tender and/or ‘Tender of Payment’ for Tax Obligations and Debts (31 USC 5118, 18 USC 8, HJR 192 of 1933, Emergency Banking Act of 1933)

Constitution, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust

A Bill of Exchange, governed by the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), serves as legal tender for settling tax obligations and debts. Under 31 U.S.C. § 5103, these instruments, including Bonds and Notes created by U.S. citizens or nationals, are considered United States currency. The IRS is obligated to accept such instruments for payment, and any refusal or failure to return a defective instrument provides grounds for discharging the debt, as outlined in UCC 3-603, 3-311, and 3-601. Additionally, HJR 192 of 1933 (public law 73-10) removes the necessity of paying debts in gold or silver, OR a particular kind of coin or currency, reinforcing the acceptance of other forms of legal tender. This is further supported by 31 U.S.C. § 5118, which affirms that negotiable instruments are valid legal tender.

Judges/Hearing Officers and Clerks Are Liable: The Clearfield Doctrine, 42 U.S.C. § 1983, 28 USC 1001, 18 USC 455, Principles, Legal Maxims, and Established Law

Business, Constitution, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust, Wealth

Judges, contrary to popular belief, are not above the law and can be held personally accountable when they act outside their constitutional authority, violate rights, or engage in misconduct. Through legal principles like the Clearfield Doctrine and statutes such as 42 U.S.C. § 1983, individuals have clear pathways to seek redress. Everything in the "public" is commercial thus those are "commercial" transactions, Congress regulates "interstate commerce," and the statutes and U.C.C. and United States Code are for a corporation, trust, ens legis, person, trust company, individual or similar. Not living men and woman.