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In this eye-opening episode of RealWorldFare, we break down the hidden truth about promissory notes, banking, and financial transactions that most people never question. When you sign a promissory note, are you really borrowing money—or funding the entire transaction yourself?

In this eye-opening episode of RealWorldFare, we break down the hidden truth about promissory notes, banking, and financial transactions that most people never question. When you sign a promissory note, are you really borrowing money—or funding the entire transaction yourself?

Through step-by-step analysis, we expose how your signature creates new money, how banks convert your note into a security, and why you—not the bank—are the actual creditor. We explore:

🔹 How promissory notes are treated as special deposits under UCC & federal law
🔹 Why banks monetize your note and record it as an asset on their books
🔹 How Federal Reserve Notes (U.S. dollars) are issued using your note as collateral
🔹 The shocking reality that your note is an obligation of the United States (18 U.S.C. § 8)
🔹 How becoming a Secured Party Creditor ensures you hold first-priority interest over your assets

By the end of this episode, you’ll understand how the financial system truly operates, how to enforce your rights under UCC Article 9, and why banks don’t actually lend their own money.

💡 What you don’t know is keeping you in financial servitude. It’s time to reclaim control. 🚀

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