To receive with approval or satisfaction; to receive with intent to retain. Also, in the capacity of drawee of a bill, to recognize the draft, and engage to pay it when due. 

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Black’s Law Dictionary, 1st Edition page 13:

ACCEPT. To receive with approval or satisfaction; to receive with intent to retain. Also, in the capacity of drawee of a bill, to recognize the draft, and engage to pay it when due.


Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition page 12:

ACCEPT. To receive with approval or satisfaction; to receive with intent to retain. Also, in the capacity of drawee of a bill, to recognize the draft, and engage to pay it when due.


Black’s Law Dictionary, 3rd Edition page 19:

ACCEPT. To receive with approval or satisfaction; to receive with intent to retain. See Fleming v. Law, 28 Cal. App. 110, 151 P. 385, 389; Morris v. State, 102 Ark. 513, 145 S. W. 213, 214. Also, in the capacity of drawee of a bill, to recognize the draft, and engage to pay it when due. It is not equivalent to “acquiesce.” Applett v. Empire Inv. Co., 194 P. 461, 462, 99 Or. 533. For its meaning under certain statutes, see Lee v. Continental Ins Co. (D. C. Ky.) 292 F. 408, 411; State v. Miller, 181 N. W. 745, 746, 173 Wis. 412; North western Consol. Milling Co. v. Roenberg (C. C. A. Pa) 287 F. 785, 788; Ruediger v. Dennis, 201 S. W. 943, 199 Mo. App. 102; Davis v. State, 275 S. W. 1060, 1061, 101 Tex. Cr. R. 243.

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