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Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition, page 706:

Letters patent. Open letters, as distinguished from letters close. An instrument proceeding from the government, and conveying a right, authority, or grant to an individual, as a patent for a tract of land, or for the exclusive right to make and sell a new invention. Familiarly termed a “patent.” International Tooth Crown Co. v. Hanks Dental Ass’n, C.C.N.Y., 111 F. 9


Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition, page 1281:

Letters patent. Open letters, as distinguished from letters close. An instrument proceeding from the government, and conveying a right, authority, or grant to an individual, as a patent for a tract of land, or for the exclusive right to make and sell a new invention. Familiarly termed a “patent.” International Tooth Crown Co. v. Hanks Dental Ass’n, C.C.N.Y., 111 F. 918; Ulman v. Thompson, 57 Ind.App. 126, 106 N.E. 611, 613.


Black’s Law Dictionary 7th Edition, page 917:

letters patent. 1. Rist. A document granting some right or privilege, issued under governmental seal but open to public inspection. – Also termed literae patentes (lit-ar-ee pa-ten­ teez). Cf. LETTERS SECRET. 2. A governmental grant of the exclusive right to use an invention or design. See PATENT (2) .


Black’s Law Dictionary 8th Edition, page 2654:


letters patent. 1.Hist. A document granting some right or privilege, issued under governmental seal but open to public inspection. — Also termed literae patentes (lit-<<schwa>>r-ee p<<schwa>>-ten-teez). Cf. LETTERS SECRET. 2. A governmental grant of the exclusive right to use an invention or design. — Also termed (in both senses) patent deed. See PATENT(2). [Cases: Patents 1. C.J.S. Patents §§ 1–5, 10–12, 15.]

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