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Black’s Law Dictionary 7th Edition, page 1434:

straw man. 1. A fictitious person, esp. one that is weak or flawed. 2. A tenuous and exaggerat­ ed counterargument that an advocate puts for­ ward for the sole purpose of disproving it. – Also termed straw-man argument. 3. A third party used in some transactions as a temporary transferee to allow the principal parties to ac­ complish something that is otherwise imper­ missible. 4. A person hired to post a worthless bail bond for the release of an accused. – Also termed stramineus homo.


Black’s Law Dictionary 8th Edition, page 4456:

straw man. 1. A fictitious person, esp. one that is weak or flawed. 2. A tenuous and exaggerated counterargument that an advocate puts forward for the sole purpose of disproving it. — Also termed straw-man argument. 3. A third party used in some transactions as a temporary transferee to allow the principal parties to accomplish something that is otherwise impermissible. Cf. DUMMY. 4. A person hired to post a worthless bail bond for the release of an accused. — Also termed stramineus homo. See MEN OF STRAW.

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