Of his or its own will or motion; voluntarily; without prompting or suggestion.

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Black’s Law Dictionary 1st Edition, page 1129:

SUA SPONTE. Lat. Of his or its own will or motion; voluntarily; without prompting or suggestion.


Black’s Law Dictionary 3rd Edition, page 1666:

SUA SPONTE. Lat. Of his or its own will or motion; voluntarily; without prompting or suggestion.


Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition, page 1592:

SUA SPONTE. Lat. Of his or its own will or motion; voluntarily; without prompting or suggestion.


Black’s Law Dictionary 8th Edition, page 4465:


sua sponte (s[y]oo-<<schwa>> spon-tee). [Latin “of one’s own accord; voluntarily”] Without prompting or suggestion; on its own motion <the court took notice sua sponte that it lacked jurisdiction over the case>.

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