Of his own right; possessing full social and civil rights; not under any legal disability, or the power of another, or guardianship.Having capacity to manage one’s own affairs; not under any legal disability to at for one’s self. Story, Ag. § 2.

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(s[Y]OO-I or soo-ee joor-is)

“Lat. Of his own right; possessing full social and civil rights; not under any legal disability, or the power of another, or guardianship.

Having capacity to manage one’s own affairs; not under any legal disability to do for one’s self. Story, Ag. § 2.” Black’s Law Dictionary 1st Edition, page 1135.


“Lat. Of his own right; possessing full social and civil rights; not under any legal disability, or the power of another, or guardianship.

Having capacity to manage one’s own affairs; not under any legal disability to do for one’s self. Story, Ag. § 2.” Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Edition, page 1121.


“Lat. Of his own right; possessing full social and civil rights; not under any legal disability, or the power of another, or guardianship.

Having capacity to manage one’s own affairs; not under any legal disability to do for one’s self. Story, Ag. § 2.” Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition, page 1602.


“(s[Y]OO-I or soo-ee joor-is). [Latin “of one’s own right; independent”] 1. Of full age and capacity. 2. Possessing full social and civil rights. Black’s Law Dictionary 7th Edition, page 1448.


“(s[y]oo-Iorsoo-ee joor-is). [Latin “of one’s own right; independent”] 1. Of full age and capacity. 2. Possessing full social and civil rights. 3. Roman law. Of or relating to anyone of any age, male or female, not in the postestas of another, and therefore capable of owning property and enjoying private-law rights. • As a status, it was not relevant to public law.”


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