Business, Constitution, Education, Intangibles, Law/Legal, News, Realworldfare, Remedy, Securities, Sovereigns, Strawman/Artifical Entity/Legal Fiction, Trust, Wealth

The straw man/franchise/ens legis/trust/U.S. Citizen(created and defined by 14th Amendment), typically represented by your name in ALL CAPS LETTER, is created at the time of your BIRTH CERTIFICATE (BANK NOTE) and SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER/ACCOUNT issuance. This constructive trust is then used in various commercial contracts, including adhesion debt contracts, where one party has significantly more power than the other, leaving little room for negotiation.

These types of alleged bank debt contracts can be terminated legally at

After completing a UCC Secured Party/Secured Creditor/Sovereign’s process, the live flesh-and-blood man or woman no longer remains under the same external control, as they are no longer bound by the fictitious “bankruptcy” and “debt.” The Secured Party/Secured Creditor/Sovereign’s medium of exchange is silver and gold coins, based on the common supreme ‘law of the land’ and Original Jurisdiction.

As a Registered Secured Party/Secured Creditor/Sovereign, the private man or woman is exempt from government bankruptcy, debt, taxes, interest, or any other liabilities that can only be paid in Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs)/Dollars. Sovereign men and women cannot be compelled to use FRNs for any debt or liability, granted they must claim this exemption, and not willfully give up their exemption or by give it up through tacit agreement, silent acquiescence , tacit procuration.

Despite the lack of silver or gold coins readily available for lawful exchange due to government actions (such as Executive Order 6102 and House Joint Resolution 192 of 1933, Public Law 73-10, Chapter 48, Sections 112 and 113), which removed gold and silver from circulation, the government uses unbacked commercial paper (FRNs/Dollars) to discharge its debts and obligations.

Even though a Secured Party Creditor might need to use FRNs for daily transactions out of necessity, they are still exempt from any bankrupt government FRN debts or liabilities, provided they claim their exemption.

Furthermore, as a bankrupt debtor, the state cannot compel a Secured Party/Secured Creditor/Sovereign. It was the energy, spirit, and hard work of the individual that was credited to them, and the state borrowed from the individual using their debit or loan funding signature as security.

The Constitution is a Trust and a Secured Party/Secured Creditor/Sovereign’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE (BANK NOTE: intended to circulate at money) is their CERTIFICATE of ownership in the UNITED STATES (corporation).

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