When representing oneself in legal matters, terms like pro se and in propria persona (often accompanied by sui juris) describe different approaches to self-representation. Although these terms are frequently conflated, they represent distinct philosophies and legal statuses that impact how an individual interacts with the court. Understanding these differences is essential for anyone asserting their rights without legal counsel.
Under CFR 72.11, commercial crimes include offenses like counterfeiting, fraud, and other violations affecting financial institutions, categorized under both federal and state law. These crimes, even if lacking a direct "corpus delicti" or identifiable victim, are treated as commercial offenses due to their impact on economic systems and public revenue. The Commerce Clause grants federal jurisdiction over these offenses, reinforcing protections for financial transactions and commercial stability. This legal framework emphasizes the commercial nature of crimes impacting interstate commerce, ensuring a unified approach to regulation and enforcement.
The Estate of Steven MacArthur Brooks has filed a $2.975 billion lawsuit against San Diego County Credit Union, asserting a legally binding contract and requesting summary judgment. This claim highlights the plaintiffs’ standing as secured creditors under the Uniform Commercial Code, supported by unrebutted affidavits and documented acceptance of contractual terms by the defendants. The case centers on a security agreement and contract, with the defendants’ lack of response legally reinforcing the plaintiffs’ demand for summary judgment.
House Joint Resolution 192 of 1933 Public Law 73-10 and the Removal of Gold from America: a long time ago, back in 1933, the government had a big money problem. They couldn’t pay their bills, so they declared bankruptcy. To fix things, they created new rules. One of these was called Executive Order 6102, which made “U.S. citizens” turn in their gold coins and bars. In exchange, they received paper money called Federal Reserve Notes. But here’s the key part: this rule only applied to “U.S. citizens,” not to private citizens who knew they were different from that legal status.
Most people didn’t know the difference between the public and private sides of the law, so they unknowingly volunteered to give up their gold. By not understanding the difference, they became their ens legis, also known as their “straw man” “U.S. citizen,” or “trust,” or “bank,” or “corporation,” or “individual.” It is the fake version of themselves whether they consciously know it or know. The “U.S. citizen” is a “legal person” and a fiction—an entity. By volunteering to turn in their gold, these people also agreed to use Federal Reserve Notes instead of “lawful money,” which is gold and silver-backed. They entered into a contract without even realizing it, and contract is law and enforceable.
A "U.S. citizen" is a type of ens legis, which is a legal entity or artificial person created by the State. This "ens legis" operates exclusively in the public realm, where all interactions and activities are governed by statutory rules, regulations, and commercial laws. It is essentially the player piece needed to navigate the public side of society, as everything in the public is commercial in nature. The "U.S. citizen" is not a living, breathing individual but rather a fictional entity similar to a company, trust, corporation, or other artificial construct recognized by the State.
Contracts, legally binding agreements between parties, are often formed through mutual consent, typically involving an offer and acceptance. Silence, known as tacit agreement, acquiescence, or tacit procuration, can also legally bind parties to contract terms. This concept becomes vital when challenging purported fraudulent loans like mortgages. Through the strategic use of commercial affidavits, one can utilize contract law principles such as the mailbox rule, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), and relevant statutes to enforce or modify contract terms. However, it is equally important to recognize that using Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) for debt payment may be interpreted as tacit acceptance of the contract’s terms, potentially resulting in the abandonment of one’s assets and exemptions. This action may further expose the purported borrower to legal risks under federal law.
The change from using the term “chauffeur” to “driver” is not just about vocabulary; it’s a shift that allows states to regulate private vehicle use as commercial activity. This adjustment has significant implications for citizens, especially regarding the fundamental right to travel, which has been protected by the Supreme Court in numerous rulings. Let’s break down how this shift affects the distinction between private travel and state-regulated commercial driving.
Did you know that almost all crimes, from stealing to selling illegal stuff, are actually connected to money? Yep, that’s right. The legal system treats crimes like a big business deal, and most people don’t even know it. This is because of something called the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which is a set of rules about how people and companies buy and sell things. The surprising part is that these rules also secretly control how crimes are handled in court.
In California, the creation and existence of a debtor and creditor relationship are governed by Law, statutes, and/or case law. It could be the Uniform Commercial Code, United States Code, California Civil Code, or Commercial Code, and depends on the situation, parties, and their respective location(s). These relationships are fundamental to the legal and financial system, impacting contracts, secured transactions, and obligations.
NO Law requires you to record / pledge your private automobile. a Private automobile is not required by any law, code or statute to be recorded. Any recording (pledge) of Private automobile to any agency is strictly voluntary. Any recordation / contract you or a Dealership has done was a fraudulently conveyed act as the recording agency/automobile Dealer told you that you must record your Private Property. The voluntary pledge that was done without just compensation is usually done through fraud, deceit, coercion and withholding of facts, which can only be construed as fraud and unjust enrichment by agency as well as a willful malicious act to unjustly enrich the recording agency and its public servants.
"Under the color of law" refers to actions taken by government Officials or Agents that appear to be within the bounds of their lawful authority but are, in fact, abuses of power or violations of an private citizen/non-citizen national‘s constitutional rights. This phrase is often used in legal contexts to describe situations where "law enforcement Officers" or other public officials misuse their positions to commit unlawful acts of injustice and/or or discrimination, such as unlawful arrests, excessive force, unlawful and illegal foreclosures (since all foreclosures are fraud since Executive Order 6102 and House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933, public law 73-10), unlawful repossessions/thefts, or illegal searches and seizures.
anyone can file a UCC-1 against anyone else. To protect both secured creditors and debtors, Article 9 has strict requirements that must be met for a filed UCC-1 to be effective. One of those requirements is that the financing statement must be authorized by the debtor. Even if that authorization is way of a non-response to an affidavit and/or notice, silent acquiescence, tacit agreement, and/or tacit procuration.