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Black’s Law Dictionary 1st Edition, page 115:

BAILOR. The party who bails or delivers goods to another, in the contract of bailment.

Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Edition, page 114:

BAILOR. The party who bails or deliv­ers goods to another, in the contract of bail­ment. McGee v. French, 49 S. C. 454, 27 S. E. 487.

Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition, page 180:

BAILOR. The party who bails or delivers goods to another, in the contract of bailment. McGee v. French, 49 S.C. 454, 27 S.E. 487; Story, Bailm. §1 74, 388.


Black’s Law Dictionary 7th Edition, page 137:

bailor (bay-lor or bay-lar). 1. A person who delivers personal property to another as a bail- ment. – Also spelled bailer. 2. BAILER (1).

Black’s Law Dictionary 8th Edition, page 431:


bailor (bay-loror bay-l<<schwa>>r).1. A person who delivers personal property to another as a bailment. — Also spelled bailer. 2.BAILER(1).

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