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Black’s Law Dictionary 1st Edition, page 695:

LAWYER. A person learned in the law ; as an attorney, counsel. or solicitor.

Any person who, for fee or or reward, prosecutes or defends causes in courts of record or other judicial tribunals of the United States, or of any of the states. or whose business it is to give legal advice in relation to any cause or matter whatever. Actof July 13, 1866. § 9, (14 St. at Large, 121.)


Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Edition, page 704:

LAWYER. A person learned in the law ; as an attorney, counsel. or solicitor.

Any person who, for fee or or reward, prosecutes or defends causes in courts of record or other judicial tribunals of the United States, or of any of the states. or whose business it is to give legal advice in relation to any cause or matter whatever. Actof July 13, 1866. § 9, (14 St. at Large, 121.)


Black’s Law Dictionary 3rd Edition, page 1079:

LAWYER. A person learned in the law ; as an attorney, counsel. or solicitor.

Any person who, for fee or or reward, prosecutes or defends causes in courts of record or other judicial tribunals of the United States, or of any of the states. or whose business it is to give legal advice in relation to any cause or matter whatever. Actof July 13, 1866. § 9, (14 St. at Large, 121.)


Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition, page 1033:

LAWYER. A person learned in the law ; as an attorney, counsel. or solicitor.

Any person who, for fee or or reward, prosecutes or defends causes in courts of record or other judicial tribunals of the United States, or of any of the states. or whose business it is to give legal advice in relation to any cause or matter whatever. Actof July 13, 1866. § 9, (14 St. at Large, 121.)


Black’s Law Dictionary 7th Edition, page 895:

lawyer, n. One who is licensed to practice law. – lawyerly, lawyerlike, adj. – lawyer­dom, n. Cf. ATTORNEY; COUNSEL.

certified military lawyer. A person quali­fied to act as counsel in a general court­ martial. • To be qualified, the person must be (1) a judge advocate of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps, or a law specialist of the Coast Guard, (2) a graduate of an accred­ited law school, or a member of a federal­ court bar or the bar of the highest court of a state, and (3) certified as competent to per­ form such duties by the Judge Advocate Gen­eral of the armed force that the person is a member of.

criminal lawyer. A lawyer whose primary work is to represent criminal defendants. • This term is rarely if ever applied to prosecu­tors despite their integral involvement in the criminal-justice system.

headnote lawyer. Slang. A lawyer who re­ lies on the headnotes of judicial opinions rather than taking the time to read the opin­ions themselves.

jailhouse lawyer. See JAILHOUSE LAWYER.

transactional lawyer. A lawyer who works primarily on transactions such as licensing agreements, mergers, acquisitions, joint ven­tures, and the like.

lawyer, vb. 1. To practice as a lawyer <Mike spends his days and nights lawyering, with little time for recreation > . 2. To supply with lawyers <the large law-school class will cer­tainly help lawyer the state > . – lawyering, n .

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